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why Muslim nations are currently disunited...???

assalamualaikum wrb.

for my next entry, i think i want to write about the unity of Muslim nations.There is no denying that Muslim nations are currently disunited.


However, this is a stage in the history of Muslim nations and this stage, which all nations have experienced in the course of their history, is not permanent by any means. The nations of Europe have been able to overcome the factors that led to the contention and disunity of Europe which resulted in two world wars during this century. The Muslim nations will similarly be able to overcome their problems  and differences and create a system of fruitful cooperation for the welfare of all Muslim communities. Many continuous attempts have been made and are still being made in this respect, although their effectiveness is limited, such as in the Islamic conference Organization which includes all Muslim states. Islamic principles and teachings concerning unity, cooperation, affinity and solidarity are the greatest guarantee of the success of all these endeavours in the future.

The main sources of Islam, namely the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet, call for unity, cooperation, compassion and sympathy for others and warn us against disunity and disputes. This is clearly expressed in the following Quranic verses:” And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which God (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves.”(3/103) Also: “And obey God and His Apostle; and fall into no disputes lest you lose heart and your power depart.”(8/46).

when there is no 'uinty' among us...
Islam calls for sympathy for others and alleviating the pain of others and compares a nation to a human body, and the prophet Muhammad said that one part of the body suffered any pain or illness, the rest of the body would respond in sympathy by falling into a fever and being unable to sleep. Islam considers all Muslims to be brothers:“ The Believers are but a single Brotherhood .” (49/10).

so, there is a big question mark for us. why we still at the same path? why we still cannot help each other? why we always 'jealous' to each other? do we care about our brotherhood?
let's us take a minute to think about the unity among us.

in conclusion, let's we get unite and show to the world that we are ONE. insyaAllah, when there is unity among Muslim nations, the coming obstacles will be facing easily. all our enemy will afraid to attack us. come on...! unity for Muslim Nations...!!!

assalamualaikum wrb..

p/s: sorry if there are any grammatical errors or any mistakes. 


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